The Torah states, “When you arrive in the land of Canaan, which I give to you as a possession, I will place a plague of leprosy on a house that you possess in the land.” Lev. 14:34)
Really? God would do such a terrible thing to the new inhabitants of the land? It is important to read behind the linesfor this text is most sacred.
It was said that the Canaanites placed their riches - gold and silver- in the walls of their homes. Hearing that rumor might make anyone, the Israelites in our tale, anxious and desirous of gaining the land swiftly at any cost.
As any thinking person knows, there is no gift that does not come with a price tag. We have all heard stories about how families self-destruct when coming into large wealth. It can become a plague that rips apart lovers, parents, partners and children. Therefore God warned the Israelites that terrible things lurked there if they were not careful.
Yet another lesson is inside God’s warning, as well. The pursuit of wealth for its own sake distorts the most important aspects of life like helping our neighbors, caring for the unfortunate and underprivileged. The pursuit of wealth or anything that solely feeds the ego is antithetical to everything that the Torah teaches. We are to seek holiness, not accolades. We are told to bring purity in our lives, not selfish gain.
If we desire blessing we become a blessing.
“Love God with all your might,” we are taught. This means that we are to pursue Torah, become one with it, help each other come closer to God and live kindness.
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