Sunday, October 6, 2024


The book of Job tells the tale of a good man who suffered terribly. A An unique Midrash tells us, "When Job complained about his misfortunes, the Holy One, blessed be He, showed him a Sukkah of three walls."


What is the meaning of this odd midrash?  As you know, a Sukkah must have four walls.  What is the meaning of showing Job one that had one less?  Perhaps what God was revealing to Job is that no one has a complete and whole life, devoid of complications, emergencies and anguish.  Still, despite all the problems that comes with a long life a three-walled Sukkah is valid.  


Who among us has not experienced the pain of death?  Or deceptions from those whom we trusted?  How many of us have we or family members  sought relief in drugs to alleviate the painful hardships of their lives?  We are all damaged goods…and still wholly acceptable to God.


In this sense we are all Sukkot, minus one wall.  Our wounds and scars are a part of who we are and beloved are we by our Maker.



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