Monday, September 3, 2007

I am me

Thoughts of Ellul....

Two things cannot occupy the same space. In the same way two disparate notions cannot exist within the mind at the same time. For example, it is not possible to be both joyful and depressed at once. You cannot harbor feelings of inadequacy while feeling empowered. You cannot be strong and weak in the same moment.
Idea: We can exert control over how we feel and present ourselves to the world if we are conscious in searching out God and accessing our highest self.
A prayer to begin moving our self towards strength:
"The life You have given me is exquisite in detail. I am an integral part of the endless tapestry of life. I can focus and deliberate on the wondrous gifts You have given. I can taste the food with all its delights; I can roll In grass and meander through the hills; I have the ability to gasp in wonder at the flight of a single insect which is also part of this universal weave; the many parts of my self work in tandem because of Your breath, dear God. I am born of love."

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