Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Living Now

The Rebbe of Ropfchitz gathered his followers together. "Let me tell you a holy tale," he began.

"The Czar was once riding in a long procession. On one side of the Czar were the high walls of a fortress. On the other side were the poor people massed beside the road to watch the colorful parade of soliders passing by. They clapped and cheered.
No one knew that behind one of the slits on the high wall was an assassin waiting for an opportunity to kill the Russian leader.
One of the alert soliders of the Czar saw the glint of the steel arrowhead jutting out from the wall. Not knowing how to stop the arrow he shouted as loud as he could. The sudden and fearful voice made the Czar's horse rear. Just then the arrow came down like a blur and landed just inches from where the Czar stood one moment before.
Seeing how the brave solider had acted to save his life the Czar summoned the man to stand before him.
"You have saved my life," he said. "What can I do for you? How can I reward you?"
"Well," thought the solider. "Our sergeant is a mean-spisitred man. He abuses us. He hits and curses us all the time. Can I be transferred out of his regiment?"
"Is that what you want?" asked the Czar.
"Yes. That is all," he replied meekly.

"Do not be afraid," Rebbe of Ropfchitz told his acolytes. "Do not fear to speak before God. Imagine if the young solider had asked to be made a general himself. Perhaps he could have asked the Czar for great riches. Instead, all he asked was for a simple reprieve.
"Speak with God and do not be ashamed to ask. The fate of the universe might rest on your shoulders."

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